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business manager:

Miss Li 13632745578

Miss Zhu 13530138350

Mr. Huang 18819059259

Mobile: 13712835279

Contact: Mr. Xiao (General Manager)

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 6th Floor, Building E, Guancheng Low Carbon Industrial Park, Shangcun, Gongming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen

company news
Why are common magnets black
Views:2946Times Release date:2020-12-21

In fact, ordinary micromagnetism (or weak magnetism) is composed of black metal (usually iron and its compounds), so it is black.

However, if it is a strong magnet, it is composed of rare earth metals (such as cobalt, boron, europium, iridium, etc. and their compounds). So they are all white.

Common magnets are made of ferroferric oxide, which is black, so common magnets are black

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Phone: 0755-23248820

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business manager:

Miss Li 13632745578

Miss Zhu 13530138350

Mr. Huang 18819059259

Mobile: 13712835279

Contact: Mr. Xiao (General Manager)

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 6th Floor, Building E, Guancheng Low Carbon Industrial Park, Shangcun, Gongming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen

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